
Linha dos Fundos

Clarify your questions about Portugal 2030 with the support of Linha dos Fundos.


Every working day between 9am and 6pm.


800 10 35 10

For callers from Portugal (cost: free)


00351 300 00 39 87

For callers from abroad (cost: call to Portugal’s landline network)

Online support

  • Technical support on Balcão dos Fundos and other platforms.
  • Information about European funds.
  • Information about the status of your operations.

Register support request


Technical support on Balcão dos Fundos and other platforms.


  • Support for registration at the Balcão dos Fundos.
  • Technical support on Balcão dos Fundos and other platforms.

Every working day, between 9am and 6pm.

To use the chat, go to the Linha dos Fundos website.

Complaints channel

To safely report infractions and acts of corruption or related infractions related to European funds, the whistleblower must submit the complaint to the Management Authority of the Program in question.

To this end, we provide the link to the complaints channels, by Program:


Before contacting Linha dos Fundos, see if you can find an answer on our Help page.