Joint dissemination session Centro, Alentejo and Lisbon inter regional notice (ITI) “Urban Networks” – Pre-qualification

About the event

Following the publication of the Inter Regional Call (ITI) “Urban Networks” of the Regional Programmes NORTE2030, CENTRO2030, LISBOA2030, ALENTEJO2030 and ALGARVE2030 – Pre-qualification (Call MPR-ITI_R_URB-2023-01), through which municipalities are encouraged to submit an application in a consortium, and that one of the four municipalities, at least, must be from another NUTS III, will take place the next day October 31st, at 2:30 pm, a joint publicity and clarification action involving the Center, Alentejo and Lisbon.

The session will be online, via the TEAMS platform through the following access link:

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 348 671 539 907
Access code: Nw5ckj

We count on your presence.

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