Find out more about the 1st CIC Portugal 2030 Deliberation

The Interministerial Coordination Committee approved its Internal Regulation, which defines its functioning.
10 de Março, 2023

The Interministerial Coordination Committee approved its Internal Regulation, which defines its functioning:

  1. In plenary (Plenary CIC Portugal 2030);
  2. In permanent commission (Permanent CIC Portugal 2030);
  3. In a specific subcommittee for the coordination of matters relating to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Programme (Specific Subcommittee for the AMIF Programme).

The Plenary CIC Portugal 2030 also takes over the competences of the interministerial coordination committee of the Partnership Agreement – CIC Portugal 2020, while the competences of the respective specialised committees are taken over by the Permanent CIC Portugal 2030.

See Deliberação da CIC Portugal 2030 (n.º 01/2023/PL).

Source: AD&C

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