COMPETE 2030 launches Calls for internationalisation, research, innovation, and business training

COMPETE 2030 has launched four Calls for Tenders for SME Internationalisation and Technological Research and Development, Productive Innovation, and Business Training.
2 de November, 2023

The COMPETE 2030 Programme has launched four Calls for Tenders for SME Internationalisation and Research and Technological Development, Productive Innovation, and Business Training.

Find out more about the Calls and application periods:

SICE Call – SME Internationalisation – Joint operations

The call for tenders supports joint SME internationalisation operations aimed at understanding foreign markets (trade fairs/exhibitions), exploring and establishing a presence in international markets (prospecting and attracting new clients), and promoting international marketing actions (promotion initiatives), including the use of web tools (digital channels).

It is aimed at public or private non-profit organisations with an associative nature and activities focused on SMEs, namely business associations, chambers of commerce and industry, regional tourism promotion agencies, and other non-business entities within the National R&I System.

The call applies to the NUTS II regions in mainland Portugal (North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo, and Algarve). The location of the investment corresponds to the NUTS II where the establishment in which the investment of the SMEs participating in the joint operation will be made is located.

APPLICATIONS: From 30/10/2023 to 31/01/2024 (6.00 pm).

SICE Call – Productive Innovation

This Call for Tenders supports individual operations of an innovative nature that result in the production of tradable and internationalisable goods and services with high added value and a high level of national incorporation. They correspond to an initial investment related to the following types of action:

  • Creating a new establishment.
  • Increasing the capacity of an existing establishment
  • Diversifying the production of an establishment to include products it was not previously manufacturing.
  • Fundamentally changing the overall production process of an existing establishment.

It is aimed at companies of any nature and legal form in the NUTS II regions in mainland Portugal (North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo, and Algarve). The location of the operation corresponds to the region or regions where the investment will be made.

Under this call for tenders, for SME operations with investments located in the Lisbon and Algarve regions, the applicant must submit a separate application for investments located in each of these regions.

APPLICATIONS: From 02/11/2023 to 31/12/2024 (7.00 pm).

SIID Call-R&D Internationalisation

This Call for Tenders supports operations that include industrial research and/or experimental development activities leading to the creation of new products, processes, or systems or the introduction of significant improvements to existing products, processes, or systems.

Operations with Portuguese entities promoted as part of the following European initiatives of the EUREKA Network should be covered:

  • Cluster projects and EUREKA Network projects (including projects participating in GLOBALSTARS calls and Multilateral calls);
  • EUROSTARS programme, part of the European Partnership for Innovative SMEs in the EUREKA Network.

It is aimed at micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small mid-cap companies, with any nature and legal form, with organised accounting, that meet the eligibility requirements.

The call applies to the NUTS II regions in mainland Portugal (North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo, and Algarve). The location of the project corresponds to the region where the investment is made.

In the case of applications submitted in co-promotion, ENESIIs, including in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, are also beneficiaries in the case of operations funded by the Innovation and Digital Transition Programme.


The application period begins on 31/10/2023, and the analysis and decision will be made according to the following phases:

  • Phase 1: 15/12/2023 (7.00 pm) – for applicants who registered their request for support through Call for Tenders no. 01/RPA/2022 and for new applications
  • Phase 2: 15/02/2024 (7.00 pm) – for applicants who registered their request for support through Call for Tenders No. 01/RPA/2022 and for new applications
  • Phase 3: 15/05/2024 (7.00 pm) – for new applications
  • Phase 4: 30/09/2024 (7.00 pm) – for new applications

SIQRH Call – Business Training

This Call for Tenders supports training actions, whether in-person or online, if compatible, that include classroom interventions, simulated practices, or practices in a work context, aimed at achieving innovation and competitiveness objectives by providing specific qualifications to entrepreneurs, managers, and employees, for the reorganisation and improvement of management skills, ultimately reinforcing productivity.

It is aimed at medium-sized and large enterprises that meet the eligibility criteria and act as employers. For this purpose, they may have their own certified structure or use a certified or equivalent training organisation.

The call applies to the following NUTS II regions in mainland Portugal: North, Centre, and Alentejo.

The location of the operation is determined by the region where the establishment of the assisted company is located, where the persons undergoing training carry out their activity on a regular and permanent basis (i.e. the establishment corresponding to the professional domicile of the persons undergoing training).

APPLICATIONS: From 15/11/2023 to 31/01/2024 (6.00 pm).

All these call for tenders are available on the CALLS page of Portugal 2030.


Source: Compete 2030

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