Specific Regulation for the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion Theme-based Area Adopted

The Specific Regulation for the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion theme-based area has been adopted, in accordance with Ministerial Order no. 325/2023, published in the Official Gazette.
30 de October, 2023

The Specific Regulation for the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion theme-based area for the 2021-2027 programming period has been adopted, in accordance with Ministerial Order no. 325/2023, published today in the Official Gazette.

The regulation establishes the rules applicable to operations under the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion theme-based area, financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), under the strategic objective ‘A more social and inclusive Europe’, as well as by the Just Transition Fund (FTJ), aimed at qualifying workers affected by the transition to carbon and climate neutrality.

This regulation, which mobilises a very significant portion of the European funds from Portugal 2030, includes a robust set of public policy instruments that will enable, in line with European and national strategies, with particular emphasis on the Portugal 2030 Strategy, and with the goals set out in the Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights, to maintain Portugal’s commitment to improving qualifications, sustainable employment, and combating job precariousness.

They will also allow promoting the reconciliation of professional, personal, and family life, gender equality, the fight against inequalities, and the promotion of social inclusion, contributing in a cross-cutting manner to addressing the demographic challenge, as well as the challenges of the digital and green transitions.

The Specific Regulation for the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion theme-based area was proposed by the managing authorities of the funding programmes that fall under it, namely the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion Theme-based Programme – PESSOAS 2030and the Mainland Regional Programmes (Norte 2030, Centro 2030, Lisboa 2030, Alentejo 2030 e Algarve 2030).

Considering the theme-based scope, as well as the innovative nature of some types of operation, they will be consolidated incrementally.

This diploma establishes, in Title II, a set of common provisions to be applied to various types of operation regarding the eligibility of expenses and maximum costs, as well as operating rules for the respective applications. This allows ensuring a harmonised treatment of the instruments, referring to Title III for specific provisions related to them.

This Specific Regulation was approved by Deliberation no. 34/2023/PL of CIC Portugal 2030 – Interministerial Commission for Plenary Coordination.

Read here:

  • Ministerial Order no. 325/2023 – Adopts the Specific Regulation for the Demography, Qualifications, and Inclusion Theme-based Area for the 2021-2027 programming period


Source: D.R.30/10/2023

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