Portugal 2030 Annual Call for Tenders Plan now available

412 calls for tenders and 6.2 billion euros in European funds.
28 de September, 2023

The Portugal 2030 Annual Call for Tenders Plan was published today, allowing citizens and companies to find out, from now on, the upcoming calls to be launched in Portugal 2030, with clear benefits for those wishing to apply for support from European funds to plan their activities and investments.

It is an important planning tool, much more robust than in the past, more dynamic, and with a more user-friendly presentation. This will contribute to better information, greater transparency, and to enhance access to European funds for everyone.

In this first plan, there is a total of 412 calls for tenders to be launched by the managing authorities of Portugal 2030 and the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (AMIF), mobilising 6.2 billion euros of European funds,These will be distributed across various policy objectives and the country’s various regions, in the social, economic, environmental, maritime, and territorial areas.

In addition to the calls outlined in the Plan, there are 54 calls already open under Portugal 2030, with a fund amount of € 1.3 billion, and 31 calls open under the Extraordinary Anticipation Mechanism, with an associated amount of € 1.3 billion. In total, it amounts to more than 8 billion, providing a significant boost to the operationalisation and execution of Portugal 2030.

The first Plan is structured over three quarters, from September 2023 to August 2024, with particular detail in the first quarter (the one following its approval). It provides information to characterise the calls to be published, such as objectives, strategic, programmatic and regulatory framework, beneficiaries, eligible actions, associated amounts, and territory covered.

A more detailed analysis of the Plan shows that:

The Norte 2030, Madeira 2030, Centro 2030, and PESSOAS 2030 programmes are the ones that stand out with the highest number of calls scheduled for the next 12 months (50, 48, 42, and 40, respectively).

The PESSOAS 2030 and Sustentável 2030 programmes have the largest volume of European funds up for tender, with €1.7 billion and €1.2 billion, respectively.

COMPETE 2030 has M€ 157 in funds up for tender, plus the amounts associated with the multi-programme calls, shared with the mainland regional programmes, and which include the Incentive Systems and the Science Support Systems. As part of the support for companies, there are also M€ 415 of funds available in calls for tenders already launched under these programmes, as well as the support planned for projects under the Contractual Investment Scheme.


Programme Nº of calls



40 1 763 549 000 €

Compete 2030


156 700 000 €

Sustentável 2030


1 240 362 500 €

Mar 2030


125 185 822 €

Norte 2030


842 927 836 €

Centro 2030


572 780 208 €

Lisboa 2030


160 282 000 €

Alentejo 2030


57 018 333 €

Algarve 2030


62 531 139 €

Açores 2030


218 035 000 €

Madeira 2030


149 420 000 €

PAT 2030


15 000 000 €



29 315 000 €



787 750 000 €


The first quarter (from September to December 2023) includes 165 calls for tenders, with an associated fund volume of €2.2 billion, particularly in November, with 62 calls for tenders, corresponding to more than M€ 860 in European funds.


Month / quarter

Nº of calls Allocation
September 2023


408 990 000 €
October 2023


581 596 222 €
November 2023


860 363 072 €
December 2023


332 731 544 €
January to April 2024


2 641 773 000 €
May to August 2024 87 1 355 403 000 €


The Annual Call for Tenders Plan is updated every quarter, in April, August, and December, and an updated version is published for the following 12 months.

Read here:


Source: AD&C

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