Approval of the Portugal 2030 Global Evaluation and Communication Plans

The inter-ministerial Portugal 2030 Coordination Commission has approved the Global Evaluation and Communication Plans for the 2021-2027 programming period.
17 de November, 2023

The inter-ministerial Portugal 2030 Coordination Commission has approved the Global Evaluation and Communication Plans for the 2021-2027 programming period.

The Resolution no. 41/2023/PL approves the Portugal 2030 Global Communication Plan.

The role of communication in the implementation of European funds in Portugal is strategic and vital, both to facilitate access to funds by simplifying language and messages, and to ensure ever greater transparency and accountability, contributing to the consolidation of a more and better informed public opinion on the implementation of European funds in Portugal.

The preparation and implementation of the Portugal 2030 Global Communication Plan is provided for in the Portugal 2030 Governance Model, and the constitution of the Communication Network, which prepares it, is provided for in Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The Resolution no. 42/2023/PL approves the Portugal 2030 Global Evaluation Plan.

The overall objective of the Portugal 2030 Global Evaluation Plan (PGA PT2030) is to outline the evaluation strategy for Portugal 2030 (PT2030) – agreed upon by the entities responsible for the political and technical coordination and management of the PT2030 and FAMI 2030 programmes.

It is a roadmap for evaluating PT2030 and a guiding document for carrying out quality evaluations, which are significant and useful in promoting more relevant, effective and efficient public policies, as well as improving the quality of accountability of the application of European funds to society and strengthening a culture of public policy evaluation and evidence-based policy design.

The PGA PT2030 corresponds to the purpose of the evaluation for the 2021-2027 programming period, provided for in the general regulation on the European Union (EU) Funds, which stresses the need for the Member State or Managing Authorities to carry out evaluations of programmes in order to assess their effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and European added value, as well as the impact of the programmes.

Get to know the Plans on the Documents and Resources page.


Source: AD&C-CICPortugal2030

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